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Drop Zone: The What, Why, and How To Tips

What is a drop zone? The area in which troops, supplies, or equipment are to be air-dropped, or the target on which a skydiver lands is not the definition I’m looking for, though it is not completely incorrect.  I’m talking about an area right inside the door to which you enter your home where all of the stuff you bring inside from the day gets unloaded.

For a lot of folks that could be a table or countertop.  For some, it’s the floor. Some lucky peeps have great built-in mud rooms near the garage that serve as the perfect drop zone.   Now that you know what a drop zone is, let’s explore why it’s such an important thing to have.  I’ll also give you some ideas on how to create the perfect drop zone for your home.

Why is having a drop zone so important?

Have you ever been running late for work?  If you’re anything like me, squeezing every single second of sleep in before I have to start my day is my game.  Sometimes that is a tricky game, especially with a boss who thinks that if you’re not early you’re late.

More mornings than not I have my hustle on trying to get out the door without being considered “late”. The last thing I need is to have to toss throw pillows off the couch looking for my keys or move from area to area collecting all the items I unloaded from the night before.  I NEED everything to be in one spot.  I NEED this type of predictability and efficiency in my life, especially in the morning.

My kids utilize the same drop zone but have to be reminded of its use from time to time.  For example, I have to say things like, “your shoes go IN the cubby, not in front of it”, and “the jackets get hung on the HOOKS, not wadded up and thrown on the bench”.  You get the idea.

Really, I don’t have to holler at them too awful much and at least the clutter is contained.  They know exactly where the items they need to start their day or leave the house with are located which makes for a quick exit.

I’m not going to lie, the number one reason I think having a drop zone is so important is the appearance of organization.  I can’t stand clutter and walking into my own home and seeing a table or countertop or both piled high with unread mail, school papers, artwork, electronics, sunglasses, masks and all the things, sends my anxiety through the roof.

I’m a creative person, and in my mind, it’s ok for my own personal space to be a bit cluttered.  It’s my daily living space shared with my family that I can’t handle being a mess. A drop zone is essential for my nerves. (insert nervous laughter and a deep sigh here)

How can I create a drop zone in my home?

Great question!  And the answer to that is going to vary depending on the layout of your home and which door you enter and exit from.  If you enter your home through the front door you’ll want to have a table of some kind. On that table with a bowl for keys and maybe a basket, shelf, or bench to place all of your other goodies.  A basket for incoming and outgoing mail is also important as well as hooks for hanging jackets and coats. Cubbies are perfect for shoes. Here are some pictures of terrific examples of drop zones, some more formal and some more down to earth.

mom envy.com

Some folks rarely use the front door.  The garage door serves as their main entry. Some are blessed with a mudroom just inside their garage to house entry door .  How awesome is that?!! If you have a mud room, use it!  If you’re not using it I would suggest gathering your crew and completely redoing the area.  Remove all items and create a new plan. Use your crew to help you every step of the way. The more involved they are the more likely they are to utilize the space. Here is a beautiful example of a mudroom that is nicely organized.


Remember the more organized you are, the more time you will have for the things that are really important like getting to work on time (30 minutes early) and general peace of mind. If you need help creating drop zone in your home give me a shout at 816-500-7759.

Painting Services




“I can’t say enough great things about Chad and his crew. They were punctual throughout the entire project and very attentive to detail. This is the first time I’ve hired a painter and they far exceeded my expectations.”

Jennie Watt
Jennie Watt

Left Us a 5 Star Review!

Jennie Watt
June 23, 2017

When we purchased our home we knew it needed painted and when it was finally time to hire a painter we lucked out and found Chad with Unique Painting From the initial quote appointment back in February to June they were in contact with us monthly keeping us updated on the plan and when they were planning on starting etc. Chads crew was very nice, constantly cleaning up as they worked, even got a live show from a couple singing as they worked. The final job of fixing wood rot, painting eaves, foundation and the front of the house looks phenomenal!! We would recommended Unique Painting to anyone, you will not be disappointed.