
Vivid Reflections: Rainy Days and Color Consultations

Weather is always the top issue during exterior season and the month of June was a doozie for us.  We were on pins and needles about the forecast all month.  Rain, rain, go away!!  Just when the forecast called for a good day, Mother Nature would change her mind and boom… we’d watch the skies grow darker and darker. A mad dash to the Weather Channel radar would show that there might be a tiny chance for rain that could possibly hit us but also could likely go right around us and miss us completely.  Who knows?

Looks Like Rain Is Coming, What Now?

What do we do in that situation?  We wait and watch, watch and wait.  It’s frustrating for everyone involved, but when the forecast says there’s an 80% chance of rain, the risk is too high to start or continue painting. Doesn’t this lady (Mother Nature) know that painting houses and staining decks require things to be dry as a sunburned cactus on a clothesline in the desert?

How Soon After It Rains Can A Deck Be Stained?

In order to stain a deck, we check the moisture content to make sure it’s 15% or less.  It’s good to have no rain for 48-72 hours after staining. Decks are the trickiest project we take on, because not only does the surface have to be dry it also can’t be too hot.

Does A House Need To Be Dry Before Painting?

Yes. For painting, as long as the surface is dry it can be painted, and it must remain dry for at least a couple of hours before it can be rained on. Certain products are created to withstand rain within 60 minutes of application, but not all products are created equal.

Dew point, humidity, and wind are other weather factors we face when trying to work outside. We look at our weather apps frequently throughout the day as well as watch all of the local TV weather forecasts. I never knew that I’d be knowing as much as I do about paint and weather patterns.

Why Having A Color Consultation Is Important

Aside from the weather, we have had more than a couple clients present us with house colors they’ve chosen, but somewhere in the time that we have prepared the house and the time we come to paint, the client has changed their mind about those colors. Thankfully the paint hadn’t already been mixed! This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Painting your exterior is a costly expense.

Choosing paint colors is a big commitment.  Having an expert to help you choose colors is a good idea (By the way, in this situation I’m the expert.;)). We all see colors differently. Color is like art, it’s subjective.  What appears to have a blue undertone to me, may have more of a green undertone to you.  Ultimately what’s most important is that you, the homeowner, are happy with the colors you choose.  If you’re not happy, enduring the color for even a little while will become annoying and unbearable.

A Color Consultation will help you narrow your search with tried and true color suggestions with someone who knows what these colors look like on an actual house. We think Color Consultations are so important that we are giving one away free in July (see us on Facebook for details).

Summer Lovin’!  Giveaways!!

All summer long we’re giving away fun things. In the month of June, we held a This or That bracket style contest and gave away a $100 gift card to Northstar Garden Center. The Argon house was declared the winner by all the voters.  It was a fun way to get feedback on some of the amazing transformations that have taken place recently.  Was the Argon house your favorite?  If you voted, thanks a bunch!  We appreciate your participation.

Remember to give me a call if you need help choosing colors for your home’s interior or exterior.  I’m always eager to give you some options and help you consider things you may not have thought of before.  816-500-7759.

Really, June has been a good month, we’re just hoping for better weather in July.  I hope you’re having a great summer and continue doing all the things you love to do in the summertime heat.

Painting Services




“I can’t say enough great things about Chad and his crew. They were punctual throughout the entire project and very attentive to detail. This is the first time I’ve hired a painter and they far exceeded my expectations.”

James Parsons
James Parsons

Left Us a 5 Star Review!

James Parsons
July 22, 2020

You can’t ask for better people who run this company, top notch quality from a really good family!